Thursday 22 September 2011

Agriculture in Natholic period:

Identifies the exact reason for the agriculture remains in problem because of the changes from hunter and the gatherer religions begain the thousands of the years before the invention of writing.

The scientific and technological proof from the sites arround the Southwest Asia and the North Africa indicates use of wild grains. There we still have the proof for planned cultivation of crops and selection of grains with domestic truths have been taken from the Epi-Palaeolithic (10,000+ BC), but this shows an localised method and resulting from the cultivation of wild grains, rather than the domestication.
The first emmer and wheat was cultivated, then the barley, peas, lentils, bitter vetch, chick peas, flax and some other crops. These crops occur more or less continuously on sites. From that wheat was the first crop to be grown and harvested on a minimum scale.
In China and india, rice and millet were mostly cultivated by 8000 BC, then they can also cultivated the beans, soya and azuki. In Africa rice and sorghum were cultivated mostly by 5000 BC. crops were cultivated simultaniously in West Africa. The appearence of wheat and some legumes have been found in the Indus Valley project. The Oranges were cultivated mostly in the same time. The crops are grown in the fields around 4000 BC are likely wheat, peas, sesame seed, barley,dates and mangoes. In 3500 BC cotton cultivation and cotton products through textiles were get advanced in the valley project. By 3000 BC the cultivation of rice had been started and Other monsoon crop is sugarcane. From this time the Indians had large cities and well-stored granaries. Regions of the America simultaniously cultivated corn, squashes, potato and sunflowers.


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